Biodiversity, Resilient Landscapes, and Healthy Waters

Report on WaterScape III and new WaterScape Program Announced
Sept 1 — The OHI today released a report on WaterScape III and launched a new, on-going WaterScape program. The report on WaterScape III summarizes input from 165 participants at 6 gatherings and features nine strategic recommendations, with three each on Biodiversity, Resilient Landscapes, and Healthy Waters. The mission of the new WaterScape Program is to facilitate community discussion on the recommendations, which we’ve used as the basis for a Declaration to Preserve Ontario’s Ecological Integrity. The nine recommendations and a link to the full report on WaterScape III can be seen at https://waterscape.ca/waterscape/. The Declaration to Preserve Ontario’s Ecological Integrity and the opportunity to support it, can be seen at https://waterscape.ca/declaration/.
WaterScape to become an on-going OHI program
Due to the pandemic and to continuing breakneck action by the Ontario government, we have completed WaterScape III in a shortened timeframe and will post the project Summary, Recommendations, and Next Steps soon. Headlines are that: the OHI continue WaterScape as an on-going program, based on a desires expressed by participants for an on-going effort; we have designed some exciting next steps to engage the community that will be announced in conjunction with the release of the Summary, Recommendations, and Next Steps; and that “roman numeral projects” will end with WaterScape III but we will continue to implement specific projects that will require partners. Information on past projects, WaterScapes I and II, will be maintained at www.ontarioheadwaters.ca/waterscape, while information on WaterScape III and the new on-going efforts will be posted here.